Delivering fresh and natural fruit directly from the wholesalers.


Red Globe

Thompson Seedless

Midnight Beauty
Sweet Celebration is one of a new generation of red seedless grapes with excellent eating qualities. The berries are medium to large sized and generally round, and the colour is a pink-red to magenta-red depending on where it is grown. Berries are crisp with very little mouth-feel from the skin, and the taste is nicely balanced between sweetness and acids.
Midnight Beauty is a seedless black grape with medium to large elongated berries. … For consumers, Midnight Beauty is a good quality crisp and sweet black seedless grape.
In Region IV, all Green seedless are completely harvested. In this region, suppliers from Ovalle and Vicuna are starting to harvest Red Seedless, comprised mostly of Crimson, Timco, and Allison varieties. This region is also starting with a limited number of Red Globe variety. Developed by the SNFL program, this red seedless variety of intense color, large and slightly elongated berries with an excellent flavor are also distinguished by its high productivity and good post harvest life. Chile is succesfully producing its first commercial crops, date of harvest is similar to Crimson.
Almost closing the season we find this variety with its intense pink and large grape berries. It is characterized by its sweetness, juicy berries and crispness. Although only recently being grown in Chile, this variety developed by Sun World International is already highly valued in its native California and the rest of the U.S.A. and its potential in other markets is already showing.
Recognizable by its red skin and round berries of excellent size, this seedless variety of the SNFL program features good post harvest life and a flavor reminiscent of muscatel and cherry. In Chile this variety is harvested between Ralli and Crimson, allowing excellent continuity to our red grapes program.
Prime Seedless is a variety of green seedless grape, which is among the earliest (if not the earliest) of the Chilean production. It was developed in Israel and has gained a special place in the international markets due to its round berries of good size, abundant clusters, its good taste and its early production.
This patented seedless variety of Australian origin has become a favorite of all markets. It is easily recognizable by its bright pink colour and large berries. It is also very crisp, sweet and has a mild muscatel flavor. It travels very well and is able to reach different countries keeping its excellent quality. In Chile it is cultivated with great success by growers from the Copiapo area to the VII region. Exportadora Subsole owns the rights to this variety for South America.
This variety developed by the SNFL (Special New Fruit Licensing) program is a seedless red grape with round berries, with an excellent flavor and high acidity, giving it a very good balance and a unique flavor. This, combined with an excellent post harvest, makes this mid-season red (harvested slightly later than Ralli) an excellent choice for producers and markets.

40 ft Container = 2280 boxes
1 box = 8,2 kg
Total weight = 18.696 kg
- NDA signed (Non disclosure agreement)
- BUYER provides ICPO (Irrevocable Confirmed Purchase Order)
- SELLER prepares SPA (Sales & Purchase agreement)
- SELLER provides LOA of PRODUCTS (Letter Of Agreement)
- BUYER provides LOA of FUNDS (MT199, MT799 or BCL: Bank Confirmation Letter) .
- BUYER secures funds in agreed ESCROW account
- Warehouse inspection with SGS
- SELLER releases SGS report
- FINAL money transaction and loading on ship
- ICPO: 35%
- SGS report : 35%
- Logistic raport of loading :30 %